Thursday, May 24, 2012

What Facing History Meant to Me

     Facing History and Ourselves is a course designed to develop students’ abilities to understand today’s society and to make moral, ethical decisions. Students build a strong knowledge of the Holocaust and are able to make connections from that time period to their own lives. The Facing History course follows a certain scope/sequence which includes five This course creates a moral, intellectual, and emotional connection to history. This is known as civic agency. Civic agency is achieved when students learn to understand why and how things happened when they did, not with hind sight being 20/20.
     I decided I wanted to take this course because I had always found the events of the Holocaust to be very interesting. I never fully comprehended how one man created such mass destruction, pain, and sorrow. I wanted a greater understanding of the Holocaust and why/how it happened.
       My name is Allie Henriques. I am a senior at Westborough High School and I take the Facing History and Ourselves course. 

What “Facing History and Ourselves” Meant to Me

            Facing History and Ourselves has been one of the most meaningful courses I have ever taken in my academic career. It taught me much more than facts and figures could ever teach. It has educated me more about who I am and what my moral and ethical beliefs are. I have achieved civic agency and have learned to put myself in the position of others before passing judgments. This has been demonstrated by watching movies, reading articles, and having class discussions. In turn, I think I have been transformed into a better person. The traits I have discovered about myself will most definitely be much more valuable to my education than anything I could have learned in another class.
            One thing I have learned while being in this class is how powerful and persuasive one person can be. The film that really demonstrated this idea to me was 12 Angry Men. This movie showed the influence one person could have over a group, no matter how big or small. Davis, the man who had thought the boy was innocent from the start, stuck to and pursued his beliefs regardless of what the other eleven men were saying. Eventually, he changed all of their minds because of his persistence and determination. This film really taught me to stick to what I believe in, no matter how it may be viewed by others. Hitler, for example, was just a regular person who chased his dreams, irrespective of how horrible they were. He did not care about what other people might have thought. Eventually, many peoples’ ideas were conformed to his and all together they created a mass murder that changed the course of history. Before this class, I never realized how big a difference one person could make in the world, whether it is for good or for bad.

Another realization I have had by taking Facing History is now I understand how unaware and ignorant people are about the Holocaust. People seem to know so little about the tragic events that took place during this time in history. While watching The Gestapo, an excerpt from an interview with Resi Kraus was shown. She lived during the Holocaust and sent a letter to the Nazi party explaining that her neighbor was acting suspiciously. In the excerpt, she refused to take any responsibility for the death of her neighbor. She stated, “I mean, I did not kill anybody, did not murder anyone,” when really, she turned in her neighbor to the Nazis and ultimately caused an innocent woman’s death. The denial and ignorance so many people have regarding the Holocaust is incredibly disheartening and infuriating to me. I cannot believe people could be so discourteous and senseless. I definitely have a lower tolerance for people who refuse to accept the tragedy of this time in history.
Finally, the most important thing I have gained from this class is that I now know and accept the responsibility I have to make other people become aware of what I have learned about the Holocaust. I think it is essential that everyone knows what there is to know about the Holocaust because a brighter future can be achieved through understanding and accepting a darker past. We have seen unsettling images, read upsetting articles, and had some eye opening class discussions. However, I think the film that had the most impact on me this semester was the one showing live footage from the concentration camps. Watching thousands of bodies being bulldozed into pits and thrown around like garbage was very disturbing to me and everyone else in the class. It was very difficult to watch but I think it had an everlasting influence on my life. It made me a much more sensitive, mature person and I think now I’m much less likely to make any derogatory statements to anyone. Most importantly, I realize that I can’t just sit back and watch when I see insensitivity. I have learned to stand up and speak out when I see people being mistreated because that’s where massive, tragic events like the Holocaust begin.
I believe everyone should have to take a class like Facing History and Ourselves. I truly think that I have been shaped into a better person in today’s society. It has taught me how one person can make a difference in the world whether they do so for good or bad. I never realized or believed that I can make a difference if I choose to do so. All I have to do is be persistent and determined. I also have come to grasp the idea that so many people in our society are incredibly ignorant and selfish. That may be unfortunate but it will help me push myself to never be that way. Lastly, I understand how events like the Holocaust begin through not only a little insensitivity but also, the impact of no one standing up for what is right. I have acquired the mentality to never be a bystander in a situation because I now comprehend the immense impact that can have. If Facing History and Ourselves were a mandatory course in our education system, I think our future as a community and nation could be greatly benefited. 

Works Cited
Holocaust Children. Google Images. Online Images. 24 May 2012.
Mass Grave.Google Images. Online Images. 24 May 2012.
Hitler.Google Images. Online Images. 24 May 2012.
Starving Children. Google Images. Online Images. 24 May 2012.
Pit of Dead Bodies. Google Images. Online Images. 24 May 2012.
Inside the Hut. Google Images. Online Images. 24 May 2012